Spartacus: An important disagreement - From 1918 to Covid
Many people believe that the ‘Spartacus letter’[1] provides a valid medical explanation in describing what ‘Covid’ is.
I disagree emphatically and want to show you what is left out because what is omitted makes a lot of difference.
Spartacus’ detailed medical conclusion requires me to respond-in-kind.
My disagreement is with the primary conclusion that:
Covid is an ‘infection of the Blood vessels causing endotheliitis leading to Cytokine release and Sepsis’. After making the above claim Spartacus then goes into great detail - how this ‘viral endotheliitis’ is the genesis for a cascade of immunological processes leading to sepsis followed by organ failure and death.
--- TL;DR or CliffsNotes to Part One ---
Spartacus concludes that:
• COVID-19 is a blood and blood vessel disease.
• Covid-19 is therefore a viral vascular endotheliitis that attacks the lining of blood vessels, particularly the small pulmonary alveolar capillaries, leading to endothelial cell activation.
Spartacus uses citations from References.
My contention is that the authors of those references had to ignore multiple causes for endothelial defects - none of which are viral - This means their conclusions are superfluous since the damage already existed and I will show that this is documented in Patient differentials.
(Terminology: Endotheliitis’ describes activation (inflammation) at the innermost thin layer of the Endothelial Cells (EC) of the vascular system. Damage to the endothelium is one factor in the genesis of what is known as: Cytokine release, Sepsis and Organ failure and death.)
My contention in this article:
The Endotheliitis, cytokine release and organ failure observed is not due to ‘viral infection’.
The Endotheliitis is due to the following types of conditions all of which are listed in the Patient differentials which are used in the “formal descriptions of Covid-19 disease” used by Spartacus and others:
• Atherosclerosis
• Pharmaceutical toxicology and injury - [compounded pharmacological toxicology]
• Prior Systems damage - (i.e. Organ transplantation / Organ damage)
• Diabetes
• Heart Disease
• Additional Drugs like Remdesivir and Dexamethasone - on admission
• Intubation
=> followed by Poisons like Remdesivir and Medazolam and Paxlovid
Furthermore: The Authors cited all had conflicts of interest. Many were on staff or payroll of Pharmaceuticals. It is not likely any would have voluntarily concluded that:
=> Endotheliitis was ever caused by Pharmaceuticals
=> Observed conditions could not be or would not be addressed by Pharmaceuticals
Additionally by concluding with a viral etiology - Additional pharmacology is justified through submitting “Research” conclusions for peer review - including justifications for Emergency Use Authorizations for any experimental or untested Drugs.
(Sources provided.)
---This concludes the CliffsNotes.---
==== Prologue ====
I am convinced that the main goal of the pandemic propaganda (issuing from so-called “Health Authorities”) is to perpetuate an irrational fear of Covid. The Fear is being used as a weapon and there is a reason for this weapon. The weapon is the cludgel being used to drive you to the “cure” which will be presented (A Vaccine). It is then the vaccine which will be the true reason for the fear. (Although it should be said that Fear itself causes illness!)
The Spartacus letter perpetuates this irrational fear.
The fear is irrational because available facts inform us that whatever “Covid” might be - it is not something we need to fear.
Spartacus does admit as much - in so many words and in a backward manner. This is repeated in the citations as well. Paradoxically that part of the Letter actually serves to contradict key points Spartacus makes later.
Despite this, Spartacus’ conclusions bizarrely but precisely echoes the CDC and NIH ultimately accepted view of the official descriptions of Covid etiology. —Those same “Health Authorities” push the propaganda of irrational fear of Covid, with “tests” and toxic “vaccinations”, (which are not vaccinations) and rearrange cause-of-death “statistics” and repeatedly commit egregious acts profoundly demonstrating that public trust has been horribly misplaced. [2]
Soon after I began this response everything about it became complicated. This was not going to be a simple rebuttal to the Spartacus letter.
This thing about Covid - was also going to be about AIDs and more. It is all connected. So I scrapped my first drafts and tried turning it into a different kind of argument.
I didn’t do most of the work, aside from writing this. All research is from others while I simply compile what I find and make connections.
A necessary definition:
‘Endotheliitis’ describes the activation (inflammation) of the innermost thin layer of the Endothelial Cells (EC) of Vascular system. When it is damaged in various ways it is called endotheliitis and certain types of immune cells will be alerted into various actions. Monocytes for example. Cytokine storms or CRS (release syndromes) are one of the types of immune responses that may subsequently cause releases of powerful chemicals which can have grave consequences damaging tissues and organs. Leakage into organs known as Sepsis and is a major cause of death (C.O.D.) in Hospital settings --
Spartacus’ problematic Points :
Spartacus comes to a conclusion in the opening of his letter - (quote)
• COVID-19 is a blood and blood vessel disease.
• It is a viral vascular endotheliitis and attacks the lining of blood vessels, particularly the small pulmonary alveolar capillaries, leading to endothelial cell activation.
I disagree.
Something else - something easily observed - is responsible for that endotheliitis.
Spartacus’ conclusion is verbatim from references cited: Which means his conclusion is actually that of the authors of those references.
Those authors came to that conclusion - while neglecting to implicate more obvious well known causes for the Endotheliitis.
Because - even though those causes are mentioned in their own descriptions in the patient differentials, not one of the Authors ever address these omissions in causation. None of the claims for viral causation are valid.
Spartacus begins with the statement that this Covid Blood vessel disease is “infecting” the lining of the Vascular system (and causing a form of viral endotheliitis) (quote:)
COVID-19 is a blood and blood vessel disease. SARS-CoV-2 infects the lining of human blood vessels, causing them to leak into the lungs.
COVID-19 is not a viral pneumonia. It is a viral vascular endotheliitis and attacks the lining of blood vessels, .... Any pneumonia that it causes is secondary to that.1–5
He then goes into great detail describing how this viral covid infection precipitates Sepsis, which damages organs, elicits thrombosis etc.
In severe cases, this leads to sepsis,6,7 blood clots,8–10 and multiple organ failure,11–13 including hypoxic and inflammatory damage to various vital organs, such as the brain,14–17 heart (COVID-19 was initially thought to cause myocarditis, but this has proven rare),18,19 liver,20–22 pancreas,23–26 kidneys,27–29 and intestines.30–32
Some of the most common laboratory findings in COVID-19 are … immune system hyperactivation/immune cell exhaustion.33–39 ...”
(Note the last sentence: Immune system hyperactivation/immune cell exhaustion. This is a description of a Cytokine storm and is also described as a common end stage result of severe Covid Viral Infections. This will be discussed - under Cytokine storms)
So Spartacus details exhaustively over four pages how endotheliitis causes death in severe cases.
The words Spartacus uses are directly from the cited references which are numbered after each statement [in the footnoted version as quoted above.] Following these citations one is able to see that they follow the CDC party line exactly - with regards to all official explanations of Covid etiology.
Consequently in repeating this - at no time does Spartacus present any unorthodox statements which are out-of-line with the NIH or CDC views with regards to the primary medical conclusions describing Covid as a viral infection presenting as endotheliitis.
The mystery however should not be: why did these patients present with endotheliitis and die? (Or even why did the endothelial damage exist?) The mystery should be: Why did dozens of researchers completely fail to discuss the involvement of such well known causes for that Endotheliitis and instead go to such great lengths to conclude with a viral causation?
The arguments are cited from the following article (reposted by the National Institutes of Health) COVID‐19‐induced endotheliitis: emerging evidence and possible therapeutic strategies. (Varga et al ) published in Feb of 2021.[3]
The above article - in turn - bases its conclusions on details from an earlier article below:
Cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19 — published First in Lancet in April of 2020 - and reposted on National Institutes of Health NCBI website. [4]
The first article was written on the basis mainly of three patients seen prior to April of 2020.
Patient #1 was a male renal transplant recipient, aged 71 years, with coronary artery disease and arterial hypertension.
Here (from the Lancet article) [5] we see the first and most obvious reasons for preexisting endotheliitis. (Coronary artery disease being #1) Below we have a description of CAD markers:
“…Coronary artery disease (CAD) and its complications are the leading cause of death … Inflammatory activation and dysfunction of the endothelium are key events in the development and pathophysiology of atherosclerosis…” [6]
(Emphasis mine - note that the above is not one of Spartacus’ references.)
In the appendix 4 of the main reference we find an additional emergency situation presenting in patient #1: ‘Mesenteric ischemia’ is listed as the cause of a serious case of pneumatosis intestinalis requiring surgical intervention (a stent). (This describes restricted blood flow to the intestines) In addition to this, he had presented with a severely enlarged left atrium “indicating longstanding diastolic dysfunction”.
Additionally the patient was treated with multiple antibiotics as well as other drugs including: piperacillin / tazobactam and levofloxacin as well as anticoagulation with unfractionated heparin, norepinephrine and vasopressin.
He was also placed on a ventilator. (These have a notorious history during Covid. See the video link interview with an Emergency Nurse below: click on photo for video.)[7]
(NOTE: All these newly administered drugs would have been in addition to- or ‘concomitantly' administered comprising a ‘constellation’- adding to the powerful immunosuppressive drugs already administered long-term for the Renal Transplantation. None of which are listed —though they would have absolutely played well known & profoundly conclusive roles in any existing endothelial damage. Additionally drugs anticipate clearance via Renal and Hepatic routes so those organs remain the primary targets of toxicological morbidity.)
(An additional but not so insignificant aside: )
The mesenteric ischemia - only mentioned in the appendix may —all by itself and without involvement of additional trauma —ultimately lead to sepsis and death:
“…Pneumatosis …is seen with increased frequency in patients who are immunocompromised because of steroids…due to increased mucosal permeability …” [8]
Note the language above: - “Immunocompromised because of steroids” - This is an exact description of a Renal transplant recipient - which accurately and aptly describes our Patient #1.
Sepsis of course, is a condition following advanced endothelial damage and leakage - the origin of the leakage into the organs which Spartacus details extensively.
This transplant recipient by the way - is someone whose condition will mirror someone who may be said to have Acquired Immune Deficiency syndrome. The patient must be on a life-long cocktail of immunosuppressive drugs which means the state of the immune system could be described as one of “Acquired Immune Deficiency” [9] (This doesn’t mean they are diagnosed with AIDs rather that their conditions will mirror AIDs.)
(I will tell you: The patients’ condition is in fact, identical to AIDs- but not due to any virus. This will be addressed in a later chapter because - unbelievable as it may seem - all of this eventually ties together.)
The patient also could not be weaned from the vent due to alveolar damage. (This is not explained but is likely iatrogenic -due to intubation see link below- especially since they did not bother to explain.)
(link to above video: - )
So in addition to other issues such as atherosclerosis and an emergency in the blood flow to the intestines requiring surgical intervention, this patient — who is on long-term corticosteroids (as well as other immunosuppressive drugs) for kidney transplantation — is already subject to:
“Infections with any pathogen including viral, bacterial, fungal, protozoan or helminthic infections, in any location of the body alone or in combination with other immunosuppressive agents that affect cellular immunity, humoral immunity, or neutrophil function”[10]
(a direct quote from corticosteroid insert)
He is also more vulnerable therefor to severe subsequent anaphylaxis as well - due to the preexisting endothelial damage - compounded by the immunosuppressive drugs.[11] - So this patient needs very little in way of a ‘push’ - to tip the scales into a full blown Cytokine Storm. He is already a prime candidate for sepsis and this is precisely what occurs almost as soon as he is admitted to the hospital and intubated.
One might guess that Pharmaceutical companies do not easily admit toxicological injury.
You’d be right of course. Increasingly this “push” over the edge (so to speak) into Cytokine storms happens all the time nowadays and is almost universally blamed on infectious pathogens rather than on toxicology.
Complicating any resistance Big-Pharma has to admitting culpability however, injuries such as Endothelial damage are already very difficult to assess in living patients and so are not only easily discounted but the temptation to point to an “infectious” pathogen is overwhelming.
The cause will almost universally be blamed on some viral cause… There might be a good reason for this. (For example: Just like magic all the culpability disappears!)
I personally believe that this is exactly what is going on here.
Every single one of the authors of both the seminal Research reference papers has payment ties and history with Pharmaceutical companies. I think this guarantees they will find a Virus as the pathogen and declare it ‘causal’ — because a Virus really is the answer to all their problems.
What do I mean? - If a bacteria, fungus or protozoa were the offending pathogen - that could easily be fact checked in any decent lab. The CDC would also have no excuses for why they would not have multiple “samples” of the offending entity along with lots of photos. If it’s a virus however the possibility of a random ‘common person' Fact Checking the fraud is curtailed completely. They will blame everything on a virus guaranteed.
Drug companies have admitted they have no way of diagnosing “endothelial damage” in live patients as a major hurdle determining vascular induced injury from drugs however as noted,
“… drug-induced vascular injury is an issue of concern because there are no obvious diagnostic markers for pre-clinical or clinical monitoring and there is an intellectual gap in our understanding of the pathogenesis of this lesion. While vasodilatation and increased shear stress appear to play a role, the exact mechanism(s) of injury to the primary targets, smooth muscle and endothelial cells are unknown… [this] review focuses on progress to identify diagnostic markers of drug-induced vascular injury. …” [12]
The reason the endothelial damage discussions are Academic is due to the fact it is studied post-mortem through autopsies. This is exactly how it was found in these referenced citations.
So far I’ve already presented multiple (profound) reasons for the observed endotheliitis in the main patient. Note that none of it has to do with viral cause or presence and all of it is life threatening…
But what is described so far is not the whole story! There is still more:
Concerning the organ transplant procedure itself and the drugs used for that:
(Drugs Modulating Endothelial Function after Transplantation)
“…Endothelial cells play a vital role in the success or failure of a transplant procedure. The procedure itself can be viewed as a series of insults that damages the endothelium thereby triggering an inflammatory cascade that may, if uncontrolled, drive the proliferative and fibrotic processes characteristic of chronic graft vasculopathy. Unfortunately, many immunosuppressant agents contribute to this process. Glucocorticoids and the calcineurin inhibitor cyclosporine induce endothelial dysfunction…” [13]
(emphasis mine)
Multiple serious causes of the endothelial damage observed have already been described and still this is not all of it. What about the second patient who was autopsied and found with endothelial damage?
Patient #2 did not have an organ transplant but instead was diabetic and also described as obese and with a history of arterial hypertension.
That differential (brief as it is) offers three well known reasons for observed Endotheliitis.
Regarding diabetes and hypertension we read:
“… Diabetes [is] associated with 21.6% of COVID-19 deaths… Hypertension [is] associated with 19.6% of COVID-19 deaths… Why such comorbidities are associated with excess morbidity and mortality …remains poorly understood. However,…these comorbidities are also associated with endothelial dysfunction…” [14]
(Obviously the above citation does clearly point out diabetes and hypertension as causes of endothelial dysfunction — however this is not one of the articles I am criticizing.)
The entire argument Spartacus makes in the main medical conclusion [which is actually the dozens of cited Reference Authors] could almost be described an ‘esoteric’ level of explanation. One would think these researchers had untangled some previously unsolved mysterious disease etiology.
For the rest of us reading it might have appeared as though there had never before been an explanation for such things. (It must be “Covid” therefore.) This is not true however. These four pages of Spartacus (verbatim from references) describe well known - but not so well understood - reactions and toxic “dose” and yet in the last 30 years those same immune responses have been repeatedly blamed on infectious pathologies / etiologies. -- That’s precisely the problem. The entire world sits on the brink of “toxic dose” of everything.
The human immune system survived (must have survived) for insanely long periods of time without all the myriad “autoimmune responses” now readily hypothesized as “diseases” borne of various infectious agents. The fact that a giant swath of medical professionals continue in a fit of denial over the toxicological and non-infectious exposure-oriented root causes of this modern problem is pretty amazing. While on the one hand most admit that it is a big problem - they’ll go right ahead and prescribe another “toxin” to help you with it.
In the 1990s a relatively new class of drugs: (monoclonal antibodies) were being rapidly developed. They were closely associated with “Cytokine Storms”. Cytokine storms are runaway issues with the immune system. Now nearly every segment on the Main Stream Media is sponsored by a new and different mAb drug (Monoclonal antibody). The name of the game it seems is to discover specific antigens associated with specific immune processes and create a Monoclonal to directly deal with it. The inventers seem convinced that our immune systems are mostly always wrong and that taking control using synthetic antibodies which zero in on specific antigens are the answer. Cytokine storms are the immune systems way of telling us it has something to say about all that interventionism. The consequences are often sudden and severe as well as deadly. And very expensive. They are probably almost universally a bad idea as well. It turns out constantly forcing our immune systems into a corner is almost never a good idea.
Advances after 2003 may have appeared to lessen the incidence of the associated Cytokine storms. But did they? Drug biotech companies also seem to have changed the way the clinical “endpoints” in trials are measured and now with Covid they are making increased use of ‘Emergency Use Authorizations’ with various mAbs. The endpoints are startling to say the least.
Some of this will be discussed later.
The authors of Spartacus citations meanwhile were content to continue hypothesizing a viral etiology and causation while remaining oblivious to the pesky evidence for the endotheliitis right under their noses. Whoever treated the patients also provided further iatrogenic harm.
This doesn’t seem to be unusual though. This is one very good reason that iatrogenic harm remains in fact the third leading cause of death surpassed only by Heart disease and Cancer. With each newly approved drug the problem grows and there are no signs of this letting up.
When someone dies of the radiation or chemo it is always the Cancer which is blamed. I am reminded again of Kary Mullis’ words in that interview from Celia Farber which I included at the beginning. That was 26 years and thousands of newly created drugs ago.
These researchers are smart however. So are we looking at widespread professional cognitive dissonance or it is deliberate? It’s difficult for most to wrap their heads around “deliberate”.
In fact this is one reason why this has been difficult to write about for so long.
At some point in the telling of it - the deliberate part comes up. At some point we have to just say it. Not only is none of what we are witnessing now an accident; little in way of detail was apparently left to chance. This is all deliberate and the conspiracy is vast.
The deliberate part is also exactly why there would be such a huge issue with professional cognitive dissonance. I see it in many of those speaking out. Those who are still trying to hold on to some part of the last 40 years of their learning and experience.
They are incredulous: It can’t have all been a lie… right?
So what about the orthodox (or official) explanation of Covid as a ‘viral infection of the endothelium’?
What if - blaming Covid for an “infection” of the endothelium conveniently moves attention from requisite pulmonary involvement — as in pneumonia as is often the case in seasonal flu progression — but what if this provides an intellectual ‘prop’ -- a “justification’ for why Covid might be the genesis in activating Cytokine release and the consequent sepsis followed by multiple organ failure?
This would certainly steer much professional attention away from exploration of iatrogenic toxicological causes. This is purely my brain making such accusations. But by this time I am convinced that what we are seeing is deliberate and I am convinced those in control of the Orthodoxy are also criminally culpable so why would this be an outlandish speculation?
Here Spartacus claims:
“COVID-19 can present as almost anything, due to the wide tropism of SARS-CoV-2 for various tissues in the body’s vital organs. While its most common initial presentation is respiratory illness and flu-like symptoms, it can present as brain inflammation, gastrointestinal disease, or even heart attack, stroke, or pulmonary embolism”.
(Spartacus listed a source for the above quote but it has been removed and was not found even on That may not actually matter though since it is still in agreement with the main Citations.
The authors give us two additional toxicological factors to add to all the forgoing reasons — as if there weren’t already enough. Almost casually and in a single sentence that rather comes across as an ‘aside’ - the authors tell us that all three patients were also all treated using Remdesivir and Dexamethasone Let’s notice how they justify this:
7–26% of hospitalized patients experience severe disease, often requiring admission to intensive care units (ICUs), [followed by] progressive multiple organ dysfunction and high mortality. Such differences in clinical outcomes have led physicians to initiate diverse pharmacological therapies at various stages of the disease, generating challenges as to the most appropriate therapeutic choice for COVID‐19. In this context, the use of dexamethasone has significantly reduced mortality rates in critically ill patients requiring supplemental oxygen or mechanical ventilation, and Remdesivir has demonstrated clinical benefit in hospitalized patients, but with unknown survival benefit to date …
So… in addition to everything else these patients are given dexamethasone (directly suppressing the immune system)* and they were also given Remdesivir which they claim demonstrates a ‘clinical benefit’ but that this has nothing to do with survival. (!)
What a short little explanation! It begs to be expanded! Maybe we’ll see why it is so short?
First we’ll translate something for you.
“Demonstrated Clinical Benefit” with “unknown survival benefit.”
This sounds a lot like ‘infectious disease pharmaceutical researcher double-speak’ language to me! One should ask what it means - So why don’t we translate it?
The Clinical benefit refers to / means = We think we “lowered Viral Load” when the antiviral was administered in clinical trials - and so we’re calling this a “Clinical benefit”.
What the heck is “viral load” (and Clinical benefit) you ask?
“Viral Load” is a fairy tale. It is what is called a “Surrogate marker”.
A “Surrogate” is something that “stands-in-for” the real thing. “Viral Load” is a term invented by people like Fauci on the heels of one researcher named “Dr. Ho” in the mid-1990s.
Dr. Ho decided that virus (in this case HIV) is hiding and that this explained why it could never be found in sufficient quantities to cause disease in any of the patients he examined. Through this pronouncement alone He became the darling of the AIDs pharmaceutical industry.
He had devised a way to use (abuse) Kary Mullis’ invention by claiming that one could literally use PCR as though it were a xerox machine to copy virus (to infinity and beyond) -- and then count the copies created as if they had previously existed. His hypothesis explained away all those previous years of scientific contradictions. Now multiples of whatever portions of the hypothesized “RNA” or “Transcriptase” expected to be found in a sample could be “counted” using PCR. Using PCR Ho claimed the number of cycles used allowed him to quantify virus “which had been hiding” in the body. He called this Viral load and he had Fauci’s full blessing.
Fauci then pretended that the Polymerase Chain reaction procedure developed by Kary Mullis could now actually be used to “quantify” - or ‘count’ - the amount of anything polymerase related found in a sample. This is utterly a false idea and gross misunderstanding of what is being done. Once again, either Fauci (who is very smart) is lying or he is a moron and doesn’t understand how PCR works. I don’t believe he is a moron (that’s 1) and (2) such a lie would benefit him enormously (monetarily or professionally) since it would also benefit his new disease diagnosing dogma.
I wonder what the inventor of PCR said about this type of “use” for the procedure.
Well as a matter of fact Kary said: “Quantitative PCR is an oxymoron”.
“…Kary Mullis … is thoroughly convinced that HIV is not the cause of AIDS. With regard to the viral-load tests, which attempt to use PCR for counting viruses, Mullis has stated: “Quantitative PCR is an oxymoron.” PCR is intended to identify substances qualitatively, but by its very nature is unsuited for estimating numbers. Although there is a common misimpression that the viral-load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that are believed, in some cases wrongly, to be unique to HIV. The tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but not viruses themselves
(This article unsurprisingly is listed as “retracted” LOL!)
So the so called “Clinical benefit” is really listed here because researchers are “pretending” they were somehow able to ascertain how much “virus” has been reduced in a person’s blood after a patient was administered Antiviral drugs.
(A drop in the level of the RNA or Polymerase after administering an Antiviral of almost any sort is a fairly well known phenomenon but no one understands what it actually means.)
Well here is a meaning: Is it possible the RNA is simply missing because antivirals by their very nature cause RNA and DNA to stop replicating? If you place an antiviral-drug in a dish with some DNA or RNA it will terminate replication - which is exactly why they are called ‘nucleosides’. (By the way I don’t care what they tell you - antiviral drugs are not specific to any virus DNA or RNA or to viral Transcriptase. They kill all DNA /RNA equally - human DNA and RNA in other words!)
Problem: Not one of these researchers have ever actually isolated any virus - so exactly how they are able to tell you that this RNA they are counting is from a virus in the first place is seriously in question - scientifically speaking.
The nature of PCR is this: It replicates or copies the RNA you’re looking for depending on the cycles. So in addition to being very easily manipulated to gain the outcome a dishonest Researcher might hope for - it is also entirely unsuited for counting anything at all!
So what is PCR really good for?
It excels at being the best tool to take extremely small amounts of DNA from a Crime scene and replicate that to the point that it can be studied or compared in a lab. Whereas under normal circumstances the amount would be too tiny to be able to identify or work with since it is very fragile. For study of Virus it’s not helpful at all since they misuse it.
PCR nevertheless has been used disingenuously for 25 years to claim reduction in this mysterious so called “clinical marker” called “viral load” following the administering of Antiviral drugs. It is also used (equally disingenuously) to pretend it can tell you that you are infected by a virus which is absolute nonsense. That is impossible. Forget percentage rates of “false positives” It wouldn’t matter if PCR was 100% accurate for telling you RNA was present it would still be incapable of determining that a person is infected with anything at all. That is simply not possible.
Using PCR however is one of the only ways Drug makers were able to become so overly confident in removing the skull and crossbones poison labels that once appeared on these formerly banned drugs. (The drugs are so poisonous they were banned for any use).
Which reminds me - Here is an old article from 1996 called: Viral Load of Crap. (Here is the first paragraph of that article)
For those who still think that HIV causes AIDS, the latest fad -- along with protease inhibitors -- is "viral load." There was a time not so long ago when one of the best arguments against the HIV theory was that there simply was not enough HIV in AIDS patients to account for any disease. Actually, it's still one of the best arguments!
No, you say? You've heard there's some new technique that finds tons of HIV -- high viral load -- in AIDS patients? The old virus-counting method just wasn't sensitive enough, they say. Here we take a look at this new technique, and find it sadly lacking. For one thing, it doesn't measure HIV, it measures RNA associated with HIV. For another, nearly all of the RNA it finds is manufactured by the test itself! The load of HIV it measures is imaginary, and the theory it has spawned is, well, a load of crap.
So this is what the Authors of the Spartacus reference mean when they say that Remdesivir has indicated some “clinical benefit”. They mean that during trials taking Remdesivir appeared to reduce “viral load” which was then interpreted as a ‘Clinical Benefit’-- because it is thought to be helpful to the patient. However this surrogate “marker” has never been shown to have any correlation with how well a Patient actually feels. It is not correlated to any actual tangible or useful benefit whatsoever in fact.
An actual ‘clinical benefit’ should only be claimed if the patient showed some physical or useful improvement in some way. This is why we call such “tests” surrogate markers. They use a surrogate measurement standing in for a genuine marker for health. Their surrogate meanwhile has nothing to do with any traditional definition of health.
The beauty of this system is that in order for the clinician to declare you are healthy all he/she needs is a meaningless “Test result” that correlates with nothing that has any real world implications. The problem of course is the inverse: that you can just as easily be declared very sick even though you feel just fine and there are no real world meaningful indications that you are unwell other than the test! Asymptomatic disease! This has to be the biggest pharmaceutical money maker in all history. Remind you of anything recently?
Unbelievably now there are even expensive so called prophylactic drugs that claim to keep you from contracting AIDs - (from other completely symptom free people who are termed “sick”).
In these instances these “PrEP” (Pre-exposure prophylaxis) drugs are identical to the drugs given to the completely well (and also asymptomatic) people who are being termed “sick”. The only difference is that these PreP drugs are being taken regularly by people who have never been told they are sick with anything at all. They are simply taking toxic DNA-killers to poison a possible passing elusive virus (which we are simultaneously told cannot be killed) - and they are doing it - just in case - they have intimate relations with someone who by all accounts is also well but has been declared “sick” because of a “Test”!! Convoluted doesn’t even begin to describe this.
I double guarantee you that all the people taking PrEP are fully Vaxxed against Covid and wearing Double Masks while driving alone in their cars.
These drugs are all very similar to the Remdesivir although perhaps less potent.
Back to our patients taking the Remdesivir -- there is at least one more significant drug the doctors of the Spartacus references gave to all the patients: Dexamethasone.
*The Dexamethasone (9-fluoropregna-1,4-diene) is a fluorinated synthetic that is perhaps the most powerful of all the synthetic corticosteroids and is given specifically to stave off any serious Cytokine release syndrome expected as a result of the Remdesivir. To put it simply it interferes with DNA transcription and stops your immune cells from trying to protect you. (Immune cells protecting you are the problem!) That’s also what Remdesivir does but in a different way. Remdesivir supplies a fake building block of DNA tricking your DNA into stopping DNA replication while Dexamethasone basically tells the immune system to just stop making immune cells.
This entire insanity causes a super hero reaction of the human immune system. In its heroic efforts to fight the ever increasing toxic pharmacological burden (it sees as the threat) the immune system goes into beast mode - Berserker mode - it may kill you in trying to save you.
So here we have listed a multitude of reasons for the endotheliitis which Spartacus (via the authors of the references) found so easily blamed (entirely) on a mysterious and never once observed virus!
At no time in exploring any of these causes ourselves have we been obliged to even wonder if a virus might account for the endotheliitis. Yet this is the exact same information Spartacus used and studied.
We failed to mention that all the patients were also intubated, which is another cause of injury and stress.
Two of the 3 patients died between 7 to 12 days and one patient ultimately recovered - however what happened to the recovered patient after his release is never mentioned.
In the very beginning paragraphs of Spartacus’ first statements there are more than 61 references cited. Many of them cite the first two which are given here. It seems likely therefore that either these two articles are seminal in the CDC’s orthodox view of Covid or they created a flurry of agreement among other researchers. This is bizarre since not a single author mentions the known causes of endotheliitis - all of which are present…
There are even more possible causes however for Endothelial damage and they must be widespread as well as under-diagnosed in that very demographic which “health authorities” claim to be at greatest risk for serious “covid”. These are causes which doubtfully would ever be listed yet we know they exist. (See the AstraZeneca statement above) — Proton pump inhibitors used for acid reflux are an excellent and proven example. Prilosec is heavily used in this demographic since at least 60 million older Americans suffer from GERD. (Acid reflux) A significant number take OTC preparations like ‘Prilosec’ and it would not even constitute a “blip” in a patients’ history:
Toxicological impact of pantoprazole on vascular endothelium and renal tissue. [15]
(PPI = Proton pump inhibitors)
“… a significant incidence of toxic events of PPIs including nephritis, osteoporosis, and cardiac damage. …study was designed to reconcile the deceptive contraindications… Administration …causes moderate vascular endothelial dysfunction and renal dysfunction in a dose-dependent manner”
(my emphasis)
It’s very safe to say there exists an accumulation factor not accounted for. There is a phrase in toxicology to describe it; It is “Toxic Dose”. We already know that even according to JAMA: iatrogenic causes are in fact, the 3rd leading cause of death only preceded by Heart disease and Cancer. [16] Flu and pneumonia deaths do not even compare to this. Iatrogenic of course simply means “caused by the physician or by the treatment. Unaccounted accumulation or toxicological burden of drugs must be occurring and on a widespread basis in order for the medical profession to get this so wrong.
How many Cancer and Heart disease deaths are also due to the drugs or treatments? Do you think a hospital would admit to a wrongful death due to iatrogenic harm if it could be reliably blamed on other confusing factors? I certainly don’t. What about Pharmaceutical companies? Would they ever do such a thing? You should not be betting your life with them.
Multiple billion dollar lawsuits (already won and paid out) argue they do this!
If (when) the world returns to sanity one day we will find that many of our current health issues are directly related to Pharmacological toxicology and / or aggressive interventions. Antivirals, mAbs, Antibiotics and opioids are just the beginning -- there are also all the OTC drugs. We could most definitely count things we do not always think of as toxins - like: Sugar and food additives, environmental exposures and even radiological concerns. These are almost certainly the true causes of many of the common so called “autoimmune diseases” we are seeing all the time now.
The more subtle sources of accumulating toxicity are not fully grasped by us. In addition to what’s in the food and water and air there are simple things we think of as casual medicine.
For example - “Tylenol” - which is the Number One Cause of Acute Liver Failure in the USA:
In 2013 the FDA suddenly required a “black box warning” on Tylenol. I doubt this was done because they cared about anyone’s health. This was done because too many people became aware of the profound toxicity and they needed to cover industry assets.
N-Acetyl Cysteine is an antidote for Tylenol overdose and is standard in all Emergency Rooms in case someone presents with Acetaminophen overdose - Tylenol is found in at least 600 products so it’s literally everywhere.
In addition they really wanted to warn people specifically that Tylenol causes Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS), Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP).
These - once again - (like Cytokine storms) are all allergic processes and are all similar to some degree though they are made to sound as though unconnected and very different from each other. It’s not as if there were some very clearly separate causal pathology. No these are multiple symptoms of immune system Berserker mode - and all from the same cause. Wild and crazy activated immune responses all due to something called “toxic dose”. These are severe anaphylaxes and like CRS (Cytokine release syndrome) they all can be deadly.
Recently when Smart Doctors began telling people to take NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) to help them with their own Covid or Seasonal Flu health decisions at home there was this sudden push to try to get NAC removed from places like Vitamin outlets and Amazon. It’s an incredibly helpful amino acid with known benefit in assisting the Liver with detoxification since it is a precursor to Glutathione. Ask yourself - If this is true then, why would “Health authorities” try to stop the sale of this while claiming they are trying to help us? This type of unexpected alarming move by Health authorities is becoming the norm and no longer the exception. I suspect it is really just more obvious.
In closing this argument with Spartacus I wanted to mention one more cause of Endotheliitis.
One of the more detailed descriptions in the Spartacus letter regards the reduction of Nitric Oxide bioavailability and the resulting activation or expression of adhesion molecules and Reactive Oxygen species leading to the endotheliitis.
It turns out that simple prolonged periods of stress or fear will also cause this.
Here: Endothelial Response to Pathophysiological Stress
“… pathological perturbation of mechanical forces and excessive inflammatory stimuli can disturb these endothelial responses, reducing nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability, increasing expression of adhesion molecules, chemokines and cytokines, as well as reactive oxygen species (ROS), which eventually impairs vascular tone and permeability, a condition termed as endothelial cell dysfunction. [17]
I wonder if those Beagle puppies that were forced to lie helpless while their faces were devoured by flesh eating flies informed Fauci (the one who blessed and paid for it) about the roles of Pain, Fear and terror in Cytokine release? [18]
Fear has played a huge part over the entire year of 2020. I’m sure it played a part in the deaths recorded in these primary examples from Spartacus’ references. Beyond that: The poor elderly in nursing homes without even the hope of seeing a loved one or those who checked in alone to hospitals and were shunned even by medical staff - all succumbed primarily to fear. … Fear and loneliness is a real killer. If you have watched people die - you know there is this point you can witness - it is where the person gives up and stops fighting.
— The real causes of Endotheliitis —
All of the relevant observed endotheliitis that is blamed on Viral Infection by Covid...
Has been documented to have actually been preexisting and due to:
• Atherosclerosis
• Pharmaceutical toxicology and injury - conflicting pharmacology
• Prior Systems damage - (i.e. Organ transplantation / Organ damage)
• Diabetes
• Heart Disease
• Additional Drugs like Remdesivir and Dexamethasone on admission
• Intubation
• Stress and Fear
— Conflicts of Interest —
A quick look at the conflicts of interest among the Authors of the two main articles is revealing.
In this first article most of the authors are Academics from various Universities in Italy, Ireland, Chicago, Spain, Israel, Boston etc.
The following conflicts of interest are listed:
Jose M. Moraleda declares Advisory Board fees from Jazz Pharmaceuticals; Antonio Pagliuca has received Advisory Board and Speaker fees from Jazz Pharmaceuticals; Rebecca M. Baron is on a Merck Advisory Board and a Consultant for Genentech. Robert Soiffer serves on the Board of Directors for Kiadis and Be The Match/National Marrow Donor Program; provided consulting for Gilead, Rheos Therapeutics, Cugene, Precision Bioscience, Mana Therapeutics, VOR Biopharma, and Novartis; and Data Safety Monitoring Board for Juno/Celgene; Paul Richardson is an Advisory Committee Member for Jazz Pharmaceuticals; Carmelo Carlo‐Stella is a Consultant/Advisory Board Member for Genente Science srl, ADC Therapeutics, Novartis, Roche, Karyopharm, Sanofi, Boehringer Igelheim and Servier.
The names of the Authors of the next article are mostly Academics from Departments of Pathology, Cardiology, Internal Medicine etc. at Zurich Switzerland University Hospital with an additional from Harvard school of Medicine. Their names were given simply as Initials.
The following conflicts of interest are listed:
“… ZV and AJF contributed equally as first authors, and RAS, FR, and HM contributed equally as last authors. AJF reports fees from Alnylam, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Fresenius, Imedos Systems, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Vifor, and Zoll, unrelated to this Correspondence. MRM reports consulting relationships with Abbott, Medtronic, Janssen, Mesoblast, Portola, Bayer, NupulseCV, FineHeart, Leviticus, Baim Institute for Clinical Research, Riovant, and Triple Gene, unrelated to this Correspondence. FR has been paid for the time spent as a committee member for clinical trials, advisory boards, other forms of consulting and lectures or presentations. These payments were made directly to the University of Zurich and no personal payments were received in relation to these trials or other activities. All other authors declare no competing interests. ..”
It does not seem to matter that they also state:
“…these payments were made directly to the University of Zurich and no Personal payments were received in relation to these trials”
or…that the fees were
“Unrelated to this correspondence”,
…since they all admit to being paid at one time or another by multiple Pharmaceutical companies.
They know who they are working for. To me it is clear who they work for.
— If the damage is not caused by a virus - Why blame it on one? —
Blaming illness on a virus without proof isn’t anything new. A “Viral” (influenza) has been blamed repeatedly for 100 years for the over 600,000 U.S. deaths occurring in 1918 even though “viruses” were as yet unknown and no proof has ever been provided of viral causation.
In fact, as of 2008 Fauci was himself calling it an unidentified “etiological agent”.
Since at least 1990 however - we would be warned repeatedly by the CDC and Dr. Fauci that another ‘Pandemic Flu virus’ such as the one in 1918 would again be the cause of a pandemic. Never mind that the CDC changed the definition of Pandemic some years ago. The problem is there is still no actual evidence anywhere that any virus was responsible for what happened in 1918.
In fact Fauci even participated in (and signed) research studying 8300 Autopsies performed from 5 countries affected by the 1918 influenza and concluded that at least 95% of those autopsies showed that the cause of death was due to well-known bacterial pneumonias and not virus. [19]
“…Published pathologic and/or bacteriologic findings from the 1918–1919 influenza pandemic. Although the cause …was disputed in 1918, there was almost universal agreement among experts that deaths were virtually never caused by the unidentified etiologic agent itself, but resulted directly from severe secondary pneumonia caused by well-known bacterial “pneumopathogens”; that colonized the upper respiratory tract (predominantly pneumococci, streptococci, and staphylococci). Without this secondary bacterial pneumonia, experts generally believed that most patients would have recovered …”
(Emphasis mine)
(I find this wording: “…resulting directly from severe secondary pneumonia…” very curious. If the bacterial pneumonia was “secondary” as Fauci claims, why would he then refer to death as having been directly caused by it?)
At no time has anyone come up with any actual evidence for the ‘primary’ cause - nor has anyone explained why a mild flu would be so deadly. (Clues are coming up however!)
“Medical and scientific experts now agree that bacteria, not influenza viruses, were the greatest cause of death during the 1918 flu pandemic…”
Brundage’s team culled first-hand accounts, medical records and infection patterns from 1918 and 1919. … bacterial pneumonia …came on the heels of mostly mild cases of flu killed the majority of the 20 to 100 million victims of the so-called Spanish flu, they conclude.
“We agree completely that bacterial pneumonia played a major role in the mortality of the 1918 pandemic,” says Anthony Fauci, director of National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease in Bethesda, Maryland, and author of another journal article out next month that comes to a similar conclusion.” - August 4th, 2008
Here is something not widely known:
Perhaps ‘millions’ of doses of all kinds of odd “Flu vaccines” were actually distributed during the 1918 pandemic. Most of us may have been under the impression there were no “flu” vaccines in 1918 and yet this isn’t true. Not only were hundreds of thousands of people experimentally vaccinated using dozens of untested vaccines there may have been as many as a million doses meted out. [20]
“…Researchers and health workers in the United States and Europe were confidently devising vaccines and immunizing hundreds of thousands of people in what amounted to a medical experiment on the grandest scale…” 20
By 1918 there were already smallpox, diphtheria, rabies, typhoid, cholera and even a whole-cell pneumococcal vaccine being experimentally tested. A largely peer discredited hypothetical pneumonia vaccine from a Doctor named Pfeiffer was also being studied by William Park head bacteriologist of the New York City Health Department.
He wrote in the New York Medical Journal that he was vaccinating employees from large companies and soldiers in army camps. He hoped to have evidence to demonstrate the effectiveness of the vaccine in a few weeks. Newark Evening News reported that 39,000 doses of Leary-Park influenza vaccine had been prepared and that most doses were already used.
“…By December 13, 1918, [Royal S. Copeland, Health Commissioner of New York City] was not so confident about his department's vaccine. He told the Times that vaccines made from Pfeiffer's bacilli appeared to have no effect on influenza prevention. Rather, he was confident that a mixed bacterial vaccine (streptococcal, pneumococcal, staphylococcal, and Pfeiffer's bacilli) developed by E.C. Rosenow at the Mayo Foundation was an effective preventive. And while he thought that most people in New York had already been exposed to Spanish influenza, he mentioned that he would have Park prepare some of the Rosenow vaccine to immunize people in New York throughout the winter (New York Times, December 13, 1918). Well more than 500,000 doses of Rosenow vaccine were produced (Eyler, 2009). 20
University of Pittsburgh, Tulane University, and even private physicians were making their own vaccines. Convalescent serum was also used (Boston Post, January 6, 1919; Robertson & Koehler, 1918). The Deseret (UT) Evening News noted on December 14, 1918, that free vaccine was available in communities around the state. Based on my survey of newspaper and medical journal articles from the time, it is clear that many hundreds of thousands, if not a million or more, doses of vaccines were produced during the pandemic years…” 20
Wouldn’t you like to know if the hundreds of thousands of doses of experimental Bacterial Pneumonia “vaccines” distributed during the 1918 pandemic - had anything at all to do with the deaths from bacterial pneumonia?
What if there exists some unsettling -if circumstantial- evidence of which few are aware?
— Evidence correlating those deaths / autopsies / vaccines from 1918 —
Fauci says victims autopsied died from the following 3 types of Bacterial Pneumonia:
“…deaths were virtually never caused by the *unidentified etiologic agent itself, but resulted directly from severe secondary pneumonia caused by well-known bacterial “pneumopathogens” that colonized the upper respiratory tract (predominantly pneumococci, streptococci, and staphylococci). Without this secondary bacterial pneumonia, experts generally believed that most patients would have recovered …”
(Above are Fauci’s words. - all emphasis etc mine) (*refers to unknown virus)
Compare those 3 Bacterial strains above - to the 3 strains of bacteria below:
These are the exact Bacteria strains used in the 500,000 Vaccines produced by Mayo Foundation and approved by the New York City Health Commissioner Copeland:
“…he was confident that a mixed bacterial vaccine (streptococcal, pneumococcal, staphylococcal, and Pfeiffer's bacilli) developed by E.C. Rosenow at the Mayo Foundation was an effective preventive. … Well more than 500,000 doses of Rosenow vaccine were produced (Eyler, 2009)…”
The Deseret (UT) Evening News noted on December 14, 1918, that free vaccine was available in communities around the state. Based on my survey of newspaper and medical journal articles from the time, it is clear that many hundreds of thousands, if not a million or more, doses of vaccines were produced during the pandemic years…” [21]
We are told that at least 675,000 deaths occurred in the United States during the 1918 “pandemic”. (CDC) [22]
Today the CDC’s version contrasts starkly with the report Fauci made. If you read the CDC version 1918 was entirely caused by H1N1 avian flu virus. They provide absolutely zero evidence for such a statement. I’m sure the CDC would never lie.
What if over a million people received those vaccines? We know nearly 95 percent died from those same 3 bacterial pneumonia strains which also happened to be in the 500,000 doses of vaccines created by the Mayo foundation and approved by the NYC Health authorities.
We also know that had they had not developed those three same bacterial pneumonias it is almost universally agreed that most of those people would have survived:
“…Without this secondary bacterial pneumonia, experts generally believed that most patients would have recovered …” [23]
—— End of Chapter One ——
The next chapter coming soon
Footnotes - sources below:
[1] -
[2] -
[3] -
[4] -
[5] - ibid
[6] -
[7] -
[8] -
[9] - “in people receiving organ transplants, the immune system is deliberately suppressed and AIDS-like illnesses can result.”
[10] - Direct quote from ‘Deltasone brand of Prednisone corticosteroid’ package insert - a photo follows later.
[12] -
[14] -
[15] -
[16] -
[17] -
[18] -
[19] - “Predominant role of bacterial pneumonia as a cause of death in pandemic influenza” - Fauci et al -
[20] -
[21] -
[22] -